08 9393 3373
08 9393 3373
08 9393 3373
News and Updates
April 2021
This April is parasite awareness month.
To assist both our large and small animals owners West Coast Vets will be running the below promotions:
Dog/Cat Consults: For every small animal consult booked in for the month of April your pet will receive a FREE Ranvet Allwormer.
Equine Clients: With every routine Faecal Egg Count booked in for the month of April your horse will receive for FREE a Equest Plus Tape long acting horse wormer.
Bookings can be made online by visiting our online portal: https://wcvh.ezyvet.com/external/portal/main/login
or by phoning reception on 9393 3373.

Our Equine education evenings return in 2021 and to kick things off we will be presenting a night discussing equine respiratory issues. Covering all topics from surgery, general cough and infections, common sinus complications and much more. A great informative night with prizes, trade stalls and much more. Further details to follow.
January 2021

New Position – West Coast Veterinary Hospital Casual Nurse
West Coast Veterinary Hospital is looking for the right person to join our nursing team. We’ve continued to grow rapidly since opening four years ago, and we require an additional casual nurse to join us. The role This is an additional position to our current team of 8 veterinary nurses. The position would be for approximately 15 hours per week.
Please send a short email & CV to nurses@westcoastvets.com.au
Additional information is available by calling 93933373.
January 2021

Bull Terriers of Western Australia
On Sunday the 24th of January West Coast Vets welcomed the Bull Terriers of WA pups aged between 15- 25 weeks of age for their first play date. We welcome breed groups to use these wonderful facilities here at the clinic and enjoy watching all these pups get out and have fun.
January 2021

Gastroscope Day
Bookings are essential for our next Gastroscope Day to be run on Wednesday the 3rd of March. One day only.
To book please phone reception on 9393 3373
January 2021

Puppy Preschool Classes Coming Soon
West Coast Vets are pleased to announce we will be running puppy preschool classes in 2021. We will keep you updated to when the classes will be open for enrolment.
MARCH 2020
COVID-19 Update
The wonderful team at West Coast Vets have a special message to all the pet owners across Perth!
Mobile service
Pick up and drop off service
Vets available 24/7
Large and small animals
🚨 If you find yourself in an emergency situation and require a vet immediately please
phone 9393 3373 at any hour we are more than happy to help

We are proud to be opening our second veterinary hospital shortly over in Fremantle. It is our great pleasure to offer the pet owners of Fremantle our same great service and veterinary care that has helped us here at West Coast Vets build such a strong team.
We wish to advise all our wonderful West Coast Vets clients that both Dr Maxwell Hall and Dr Garnett Hall will be available for consults at both hospitals. It is a priority to ensure all our clients are seen to by their desired veterinarian and to continue our passion for gold standard veterinary care.
Have you heard of Cushing's disease in horse's?
Signs include; decreased athletic performance and/or lethargy, delayed shedding, weight loss, crest neck, excessive thirst, excessive urination, abnormal sweating, loss of muscle mass and laminitis.
If you notice any of these symptoms in your horse, then give us a call because we have a limited number of FREE TESTS available.
Dr Garnett Hall and his Kangaroo Island stunt
The devastating fires on kangaroo Island have created a lot of misery for the people, livestock and wildlife of that beautiful place.
Somehow Dr Garnett managed to create a bit of laughter in what were otherwise difficult days.
This video has now gone completely viral! All from a single Facebook post 2 days ago.
If you do have a good laugh then please do what you can to assist the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park to provide the ongoing care for the hundreds of badly injured koalas now in their care.
Tune into Channel 9 News tonight!
Dogs do a great job getting their paws onto things they shouldn’t. The owners of this much loved Bull Terrier brought her straight into West Coast Vets when they realised she wasn’t right. Watch tonight to find out more.